Hello again.
As my account was deleted due to the problems you had with the server, here i am again
hello everyone!
Hello again.
As my account was deleted due to the problems you had with the server, here i am again
hello everyone!
Hello again....
sorry but i am very bad in Deutsch... why i cant post in any other part of the forum?
i dont have any reply or post new thread buttons
Hello welcome back. nice car.
Hallo again !
Hello ,
our two Administrator´s "Konsi" or "T-Styler" want you so fast as possible allowed to post in every other part of the Forum.
In our Forum it is nessasary to wrote a "Vorstellung" , you have it, and so you become a "WildCard"
Please Stay tune
And soon, very nice Time in our Forum!
Hello again....
Hello Sküll,
welcome back and have fun here
Greez Christoph
Hello again
Servus !!!
Hi Sküll,
i hope, you will have a super time here in audi-80-scene.de
I´m glad i could help you on motor-talk. If you have any questions, you can write me a PN.
Greetings Tobi
nice to see u here again,i didnt notice that there were any problems
hello again
moin chef,
viel spaß im forum
Hallo und herzlich Willkommen im Forum!!!
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